Thursday, October 12, 2006

Free Trial RC Mags

Look what arrived in the mail today - free trial issue of the Quiet flyer and 3-D flyer! I was pleasantly surprised to receive them as they actually honour their free trial issue promotion even to international customers.

I bought these 2 mags when i went to US a few months back and found that they are one of the better RC mags around. The articles inside have very good technical details and contain alot of hands on tips and know-hows. What i like is the Quiet Flyer mag has articles on sailplanes and gliders which few other mags have. And the 3-D flyer showcase some of the best 3D stuff for helis, planes all in one. After reading, i wanted to subscribe to them. When i went to their website and saw that they had a free trial issue, i signed up for it thinking that it may be just a gimick. Wala, both the mags arrived today although its after 6 weeks, but hey they are free and they are the latest issues!

Highly recommended mags are from Kiona Publishing. You can get your free trial issue there.

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