Saturday, January 16, 2010

2010 Slope season pics

We are a month into the slope season for 2010, today the wind's direction was not too good, so ended up taking photos of the planes static display.

  Jeremy's cappu

Ken's zoom

 Ken's Typhoon


New owner of Serentiy

Full battle order

  Wind too left


4.6m ASH 26

Nexus 900


ESABATM said...

Very nice planes. Sail planing is a blast. We have some nice sites on the Oregon Coast to fly at. We get some pretty high gusts we have to watch out for.

buy monster mounts said...

gud post

Anonymous said...

Your airplane will fail and it will be a metaphor for your life.

Tim Fredriksson said...

Looks complicated, but fascinating. Could the plane carry passengers? Like a tiny mouse?

winner said...

nice blog~~^^